Died in April of 1997
Had a heart attack when confronted by Maggie and Ian about their relationship.
Baltimore, Maryland
Clarissa Carpenter (dissolved by her death; deceased)
Sloan Carpenter (brother; deceased)
William Carpenter (nephew; deceased)
Andrew Carpenter (nephew)
William Sloan Carpenter (great-nephew; deceased)
William Sloan "River" Carpenter (great-nephew; via adoption)
Maggie Carpenter (daughter; with Eleanor)
Ian Armitage (son; with Eleanor; deceased)
Mark Carpenter (son; with Clarissa; deceased)
Eleanor Armitage
Bishop John Carpenter had a very troubled relationship with his daughter, Maggie Carpenter. Maggie blamed him for the suicide of her brother Mark, who was deaf. The Bishop was very unhappy that Maggie was never able to settle down and commit to one thing and he made no secret of his disapproval. When he learned that she had decided to take her vows and became a nun, he visited her in Llanview to voice his objections. After much arguing, Maggie did manage to convince him that she was committed to her decision and he finally gave her his blessing. Maggie's commitment lasted no longer than it had in the past and soon she had left the church to be with the man she loved, Max Holden.
The Bishop was having a secret meeting in St. Maarten with Eleanor Armitage, wife of a famous billionaire, when she suddenly died in his hotel room. The Bishop went to his daughter Maggie, who also happened to be staying in the same hotel with Max, for help. She helped the Bishop move Eleanor's body back to her room, but the Bishop does not explain who she was or why they were meeting.
A short while later, Ian Armitage, Eleanor's son, comes to town and starts asking Maggie questions. The bishop warns her to stay away from Ian, but Ian and Maggie confront him and demand he give them Eleanor's locket, which he had taken from her when she died. The Bishop eventually gives them the locket, but it is empty. He gives his nephew, Andrew Carpenter, an envelope with instructions to give it to Maggie if anything happens to him. The Bishop later dies of a heart attack when Maggie and Ian confront him and demand he tell the truth about the past. After his death, Maggie and Ian learn that they are twins and the Bishop was their father and Eleanor Armitage was their mother.
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